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Hi! I’m Nat,

A writer, storyteller, and entrepreneurial misfit... 

I’ve always hated answering the “who are you” question. As if anyone wants to read my “copy + paste” podcast intro or sit in awkward silence as I pretentiously list my titles and accolades. 


I’m pretty sure I came out of the womb non-compliant. A free spirited, wild child, who dances to the beat of her own drum. I am my mother’s daughter and father’s pride & joy. 


Regarding that “tell us about you” question. I’ll give it my best shot and you can decide if the information will have an above average influence on your decision to subscribe. 


My name is Natasha Storm. Most people call me Nat. My muse crowned me Sage. I’m 29, almost 30. They say your thirties are the decade of your greatness. I sure hope so, as I spent the first two decades learning life’s lessons trial by fire. 


Pain has never been a deterrent for me. I don’t take “NO” for an answer. I do my best to leave people better than I found them and to give more than I take. I love telling stories as much as I love listening to them. I’ve been writing poetry for as long as I can remember, people question if it’s ink or blood running off the pages. It’s both. 


Growing up my teachers thought I was suicidal, I thought they were incompetent and lacked character. I have a severely autistic brother, I love him so much my heart aches. I spent the majority of my life hating him because that was easier than kneeling on the ground screaming at God. One day I will write children’s books for him and maybe he will recognize his handsome face in the pages. 


I’ve loved deeply, and I’ve screamed until my rage admitted her real name was sorrow. I’ve laughed until my belly ached and I’ve weeped until my ribs cracked. I’ve smiled so big my cheeks hurt, and I’ve glared so fiercely it left wrinkles on my forehead. I’ve sat peacefully in silence and I’ve raged in wars the world knows nothing about. 


I’m the type of person to tell someone on my team “I love you” at the end of a phone call or deem a grocery haul successful by my ability to get the grumpy cashier to flirt back with me. 


I’ve been up to my eyeballs in debt with less than $12 to my name and I’ve made millions as a young woman in business. I’ve been told I was “cringe” for posting on social media, and I’ve been hugged because my podcast stopped someone from taking their life. I’ve spoken to rooms full of bright entrepreneurs, and I’ve shared personal stories with a room of ex-convicts.  


So yeah. That’s me. 


Just a hair down, country driving in bare feet, singing at the top of her lungs, scheming the next “big move” kinda girl. 

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